ABBI [ey bee bee ahy]

American Bucking Bull, Incorporated. Due to the incredible popularity of the sport of professional bull riding and the many celebrity bucking bulls themselves, the PBR developed the official bucking bred cattle registry, American Bucking Bull, Inc. The ABBI offers valuable incentives to bull breeders, and preserves the lineage of today's top PBR bulls.

Announcer [uh-noun-ser]

A PBR announcer interprets the action in the arena to the fans attending the live event. Knowing updated stats on the bulls, bull riders and stock contractors is crucial to a PBR announcer's job. Some PBR events employ just one announcer, while others may employ up to three.

Arena [uh-ree-nuh]

The arena is the area in which the bull riding action takes place. The arena size depends upon the size and shape of the hosting venue, but a PBR arena typically averages 85 feet by 140 feet. The steel bucking chutes, panels, gates and posts that encircle the arena collectively weigh 50,000 pounds and, when assembled, equal 1,800 feet or six football fields worth of connected steel. The steel materials travel from event to event on a 53-foot long flat bed trailer pulled by a semi-truck.

Arena Director [uh-ree-nuh dih-rek-ter]

The arena director is tasked with keeping the pace of the competition flowing by balancing the production elements in the arena with the competitive elements in and behind the bucking chutes. The arena director's role is especially critical during live televised events when television commercial breaks interrupt the live competition.

Average [av-er-ij]

The term "average," when used in PBR context, is synonymous with "aggregate." It often is used to describe a rider's total event score on however many bulls he attempted at a given event (not including rerides). For example, a rider who scored 80 points on each of his three bulls has an average score of 240 points.

Style notes: When referring to a rider's total event score, it is more accurate to use "total score on xx bulls" (the "xx" indicates however many rounds in which a rider competed). If he competed in three rounds but successfully only rode two bulls, it is still most accurate to say "in three rounds." For example, if a particular rider scores 80 points, 90 points, and 0 points, in three consecutive rounds at a given event, his total score is "170 points on three bulls."

"Away from his Hand" [uh-wey fruhm hiz hand]

Bull riders use the term "away from his hand" or "away from my hand" to describe the scenario in which a bull is spinning in the direction opposite a rider's riding hand.

Example: A right-handed bull rider on a bull that spins to the left is riding a bull "away from his hand."

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Back Pens [bak penz]

Located behind the arena's bucking chutes are the back pens, a maze of steel panels that serve as a holding and loading area for the bulls that await competition.

Barrelman [bar-uhl man]

A barrelman's duty is to entertain the crowd during the "down time" that is inherent to the sport of bull riding. When bulls are being loaded, or the show is on hold due to live television breaks, a barrelman takes over and amuses spectators with impromptu dance routines or comical dialogue with the event's announcers. The barrelman often hangs around a custom-made barrel placed in the arena's center. The barrel not only protects the barrelman from a charging bull, but also provides bull riders with an island of safety if they are bucked off far from the arena fence or bucking chutes.

Bell [bel]

see Bull Rope

Belt Buckle [belt buhk-uhl]

see Gold Buckle

Bodacious [boh-dey-shuhs]

Bodacious is among the most famed bulls in PBR history. The 1,900-pound Charbray bull was notorious for injuring some of PBR's most talented champions including 1995 PBR World Champion Tuff Hedeman, who was matched with Bodacious in the final round of the 1995 PBR World Championships. Several jumps into the match-up, Hedeman's face collided with the back of Bodacious' head, shattering dozens of Hedeman's facial bones. Bodacious, owned by Texas stock contractor Sammy Andrews, was retired from competition in December of 1995, and died of natural causes in 2000 at the age of 12.

Breeding Programs [bree-ding proh-gramz]

The success of bucking bull breeding programs across North America has proven that genetics is the most prevalent factor is determining a bull's desire and ability to buck. For years, finding a good bucking bull among a herd of common sale barn bovines was a frustrating matter of chance for stock contractors since a bull will only buck if he possesses the innate desire and natural instinct to do so. Today, that instinct is being pinpointed through genetics, and the science of breeding great bucking bulls has made the business of owning bucking bulls one that requires money and patience rather than sheer luck.

Bucked Off [buhkt awf]

A bull rider who is "bucked off" is thrown from the bull before the required eight seconds expire. The rider consequently does not earn a score.

Bucking Chute [buhking shoot]

see Chute

Bull [boo'l]

Bulls that compete in PBR competition come in an array of shapes, sizes and colors and display their own personalities and traits that make them unique in the bull-riding arena. Though a bucking bull is often in his prime as an athlete around age five or six, many bulls buck past the age of 10 and, when retired from competition, are used as sires in bucking bull breeding programs.

Bull of the World Finals [boo'l uhv th'uh wurld fahyn-lz]

Upon conclusion of the annual 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast World Finals, the toughest animal athlete, as determined by the highest score recorded by a bull during World Finals.

Bull Rider [boo'l rahy-der]

A bull rider is the human athlete in the man-versus-beast sport of bull riding. A bull rider must be 18 years or older to obtain the membership required of each PBR competitor.

Style notes: Bull rider is two words; it is not "bullrider."

Bull Rope [boo'l rohp]

The bull rope is what the bull rider grips throughout the ride. It is wrapped around the chest of the bull directly behind the animal's front legs. At the bottom of the rope hangs a metal bell designed to give the rope some weight so that it will fall off the bull as soon as the rider is bucked off or dismounts the animal.

Bullfighter [boo'l-fahy-ter]

A bullfighter's job is to distract a bull when a bull rider either bucks off his bull or dismounts after his eight-second ride. The distraction provided by the bullfighter gives the rider a chance to get back to his feet and out of harm's way.

Style notes: Bullfighter is one word; it is not "bull fighter."

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Change Directions [cheynj dih-rek-shuhnz]

A bull that is said to "change directions" exhibits a bucking pattern in which he changes direction laterally forward and backwards or side to side.

Chute(s) [shoot]

A bull ride originates inside a gated steel box called a chute. There are typically six chutes at each PBR competition lined lengthwise at one end of the arena. However, some events have a set of six chutes at each end of the arena for a total of 12. The bull rider and bull remain in a designated chute until the arena is clear and the rider has strapped his hand in his bull rope. When the rider is ready, he nods his head, signaling the gate man to open the chute gate and allow the ride to begin.

Cover [kuhv-er]

When a rider "covers" his bull, he successfully stays aboard the bull for eight seconds and therefore earns a score for his efforts.

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Dillinger [dil-in-jer]

Dillinger, the 2000 and 2001 PBR Bull of the Year, is one of PBR's most recognized animal athletes. The black, white-faced bull owned by Texas-based Herrington Cattle Co. is the only PBR bull to twice win the prestigious Bull of the Year title. A leg injury sustained in June 2002 currently prevents Dillinger from competing at PBR events. When in top form, Dillinger stands out as one of the strongest, most agile bulls in the business. He jumps high, spins fast and kicks hard - all desired traits of a great bucking bull.

Dismount [dis-mount]

A bull ride is over when either the bull rider is bucked off or the eight-second time requirement is met. When a bull rider is still in control of the ride when the eight-second buzzer sounds, he must dismount or get off the bull as safely as possible. To dismount, a bull rider most commonly reaches down with his free hand, jerks loose his riding hand from his bull rope and flings himself off as the bull is kicking so that the momentum of the kick will propel the rider as far away from the bull as possible. When possible, a rider waits until the bull is moving or spinning away from his riding hand, at which time the bull rider dismounts in the direction of his riding hand.

Example: A right-handed bull rider waits until the bull spins left, at which time he dismounts off the animal's right side.

Disqualified [dis-kwol-uh-fahy]

Sometimes a bull rider can be disqualified and therefore receive a no-score even if he stays aboard his designated bull for eight seconds. A bull rider is disqualified if he touches the bull or himself with his free hand during the ride or if his riding hand comes free from the bull rope at any point during the eight-second ride.

Doctor Release [dok-ter ree-lees]

Often times a rider will enter a PBR event in advance but then sustain an injury that prevents him from competing at that event. If a rider must withdraw from competition because of an injury, he is required to submit a doctor release. The doctor release provides PBR officials with written proof from a physician that the bull rider's injury is serious enough that he cannot or should not compete. This formality makes an injured bull rider exempt from any applicable entry fees or fines assessed for skipping an event. Once a rider doctor releases, however, he is ineligible to compete in any PBR competition for the following 10 days.

"Down in the Well" [doun in th'uh wel]

The expression "down in the well" is used by bull riders to describe a situation in which a bull is spinning in one direction and the force of the spin pulls the rider down the side of the bull into motion's vortex. This is a dangerous scenario that often results in a bull rider getting hung up to the bull.

Draw [draw]

An event's list of bull riders and the bulls with which they are randomly paired is called the 'draw.' The draw for a 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast event is typically created via computer the Wednesday prior to an event. If a bull rider says he has a 'good draw' it means he is happy with the bull that he was randomly selected to ride.

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Eight Seconds [eyt sek-uhndz]

Eight seconds is the amount of time a bull rider must stay aboard his bull to receive a score. During the eight-second ride, the bull rider cannot touch his free hand to the bull or himself or he will be disqualified.

Eight Seconds is the title of a 1990s movie based on the life of the late Lane Frost, a world champion bull rider who was fatally injured at the 1989 Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days.

Eight Seconds is the title of PBR's official souvenir program sold at each 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast event.

Enter [en-ter]

In most cases a bull rider cannot just show up to an event and expect to compete. Rather he must enter the event by calling PBR Headquarters and submitting his name and intention to compete.

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Fades [feydz]

A bull that fades during a ride moves backward while simultaneously spinning or bucking in one or more directions.

First Round or "First Go" [furst round / furst goh]

The first round or "go" is the first and sometimes the only preliminary round of competition at a PBR event. A high score in the first round is important to a bull rider because it counts toward his qualification for the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast Championship Round.

Flank Man [flangk man]

A flank man is the person who fits the flank strap on the bull and tightens it, if necessary, as the bull exits the chute. Different bulls respond to flank straps in different ways, making it important for the flank man to know the bull's tendencies - this knowledge helps a flank man judge how tight or loose to make the flank strap on a given bull. Because this knowledge of each bull is so important, a flank man often is the stock contractor who owns the bull or a livestock supervisor who works for that stock contractor.

Flank Strap [flangk strap]

A flank strap is a strap that goes around the flank of a bull. Its purpose is to enhance the natural bucking motion of a bull and to encourage the animal to extend its hind legs when trying to get his rider on the ground. The flank strap never covers or goes around a bull's genitals, and no sharp or foreign objects are ever placed inside the flank strap to agitate the animal. Pulling the flank strap too tight would restrict a bull's motion, making it uncomfortable for the bull to perform. The flank strap is designed for quick release and is removed immediately after the bull exits the arena.

Fouled [foul-ed]

If a rider is fouled, it means something happened during the eight-second ride that gave the bull an unfair advantage over the bull rider. This can include the bull rubbing on or hitting the bucking chute at start of the ride or the flank strap falling off the bull before the ride is over. When a foul occurs, the judges often award the bull rider the option of a reride.

Free Hand [free hand]

A bull rider's free hand is the hand he does not use to grip the bull rope during a ride. The free hand must stay in the air throughout the ride. If it touches the bull, or the bull rider before eight seconds elapse, the rider is disqualified and receives no score.

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Gate Man [geyt man]

An event's gate man is positioned in the arena in front of the designated chute from which a ride is about to start. The gate man, holding onto a nylon rope tied to the designated chute's gate, waits for a bull rider's cue to open the chute gate, thus allowing the ride to begin. The gate man must quickly open the chute gate as wide as possible and immediately get out of the way as the bull and bull rider exit the chute.

Glen Keeley Award [glen kee-lee uh-wawrd]

The Glen Keeley Award annually is presented to the Canadian bull rider who earns the most money throughout an entire PBR season. The award is in memory of Glen Keeley, a Canadian bull rider who was fatally injured March 24, 2000, during PBR competition in Albuquerque, N.M.

Glove [gluhv]

A rider's glove is made of thick, soft leather. It is designed to let the rider grip the bull rope with ease while protecting his riding hand from rope burn.

Gold Buckle [gohld buhk-uhl]

The PBR World Champion annually is presented with his sport's coveted gold buckle, the ultimate symbol of achievement in bull riding. The custom-made belt buckle is valued at more than $10,000.

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Hooked [hookt]

When a bull rider dismounts from or is bucked off a bull, the bull sometimes goes after the rider or the bullfighter and attempts to hook the human target with his horns. This is known as being "hooked."

Hung up [huhng uhp]

Sometimes a rider gets tossed from a bull but is unable to free his riding hand from his bull rope and therefore is "hung up" to the bull. When this dangerous scenario occurs, the bullfighters often move in to help the bull rider free his hand from his rope and get away from the bull.

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"Into his Hand" [in-too hiz hand]

Bull riders use the term "into his hand" or "into my hand" to describe the scenario in which a bull is spinning in the same direction of a rider's riding hand.

Example: A right-handed bull rider on a bull that spins to the right is riding a bull "into his hand."

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Judges [juhj-iz]

PBR judges, who determine a rider's score based upon his and the bull's performances, are hired based on strict and extensive qualifications maintained by the PBR Board of Directors and members. PBR management has created the position of Judging Administrator. This person is responsible for coordinating judging staff for all PBR events and monitoring the accuracy and professionalism of all officials. Each 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast event now employs four judges. Each judge has 50 points to distribute for each ride (25 points for the bull, and 25 points for the rider.) The Total form each of these judges in added together to get the ride's total score. Four judges also officiate the PBR 25th: Unleash the Beast World Finals where quarter points are allowed by the event judges.

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Lane Frost/Brent Thurman Award [leyn frawst brent thuhrman uh-wawrd]

The Lane Frost/Brent Thurman Award is presented each year to the bull rider who makes the highest-scoring ride at the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast World Finals. The award is in memory of bull riders Lane Frost, who was fatally injured during competition at the 1989 Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days, and Brent Thurman, who sustained fatal injuries at the 1994 National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.

Left Hand Delivery [left hand dih-liv-uh-ree]

When the chute gate opens on the left side (to the bull rider's left).

Little Yellow Jacket [lit-l yel-oh jak-it]

The only consecutive three-time PBR World Champion Bull (2002 - 2004). Little Yellow Jacket retired in 2005 and also holds the distinction of being the bull upon which 2000 and 2003 PBR World Champion Chris Shivers had the opportunity to win $1,000,000 if he was able to cover him for the requisite 8 seconds. Shivers was bucked off in less than 2 seconds. Little Yellow Jacket left the arena making his owners, Berger, Teague and Taupin, $50,000 richer.

Livestock Director [lahyv-stok dih-rek-ter]

The PBR Livestock director works with numerous stock contractors nationwide to ensure that the highest-caliber bucking bulls in the sport are used in PBR competition. PBR Board of Directors advisor and former competitor Cody Lambert serves as PBR's Livestock Director.

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Muley [myoo-lee]

Muley is a term used to describe a hornless bull.

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Officials [uh-fish-uh'lz]

see Judges

Opening Ceremonies [oh-puh-ning ser-uh-moh-neez]

One of the most anticipated parts of any 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast event is its opening ceremony, a multi-media production that incorporates elaborate props, stage lighting, video, music and pyrotechnics. The production typically runs 15 minutes and costs roughly $750 per minute.

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PBR Headquarters [pee bee ahr hed-kwawr-terz]

As of July 2007, the PBR headquarters are located in Pueblo, Colorado. A full-time staff of more then 100 employees works year-round either at PBR headquarters, from international offices in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico, or on the road at hundreds of annual PBR events.

PBR Rookie of the Year [pee bee ahr roo'k-ee uhv th'uh yeer]

The PBR Rookie of the Year award goes to the bull rider who, in his first year of PBR competition, earns more money than any other first-year competitor. Prior to 2003, points acquired throughout the season determined who received the Rookie of the Year award.

Pro Bull Rider Outreach [proh boo'l rahy-der out-reech]

Pro Bull Rider Outreach serves as a traveling ministry for Christian bull riders whose involvement in PBR competition prevents them from attending services at their hometown place of worship. The ministry, spearheaded by former PBR bull rider and current PBR judging administrator, Cody Custer, organizes church services for bull riders to attend during most 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast events. The services, open to all PBR riders, staff and the public, are usually conducted on the second morning in the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast host venue at each event.

Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) [pruh-fesh-uh-nl roh-dee-oh kou-boiz uh-soh-see-ey-shuh'n (pee ahr see ey)]

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) is the sanctioning body for rodeo throughout the United States. Though a handful of PBR bull riders also hold memberships in PRCA, the PBR is in no way affiliated with PRCA or its sanctioned events.

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Qualified Ride [kwol-uh-fahyd rahyd]

When a rider makes an eight-second ride and is not disqualified, he has made a qualified ride and, therefore, earns a score.

Qualifier Standings [kwol-uh-fahy-er stan-dingz]

Though 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast Points determine the annual PBR World Champion, a rider earns and maintains his ranking on the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast by being among the 45 highest-ranked riders in the PBR Qualifier Standings. The Qualifier Standings are calculated by how much money a rider earns in all levels of PBR competition. Thus, earning money on PBR's Real-Time Pain Relief Velocity Tour, Touring Pro Division events, as well as on the PBR's International circuits is vital for riders seeking a spot on the lucrative 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast. At the end of PBR's regular season, the top 45 riders in the PBR Qualifier Standings qualify for the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast World Finals.

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Rank [rangk]

A bull that is difficult to ride is considered "rank."

Regular Season [reg-yuh-ler see-zuh'n]

PBR regular-season events take place year-round and culminate at key post-season events scheduled for each level of PBR competition. The 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast regular season includes tour events that span from November through the following October. The 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast post season is the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast World Finals, which is held in Las Vegas in late October or early November.

Reride [ree-rahyd]

Judges are allowed to award a bull rider a reride - a second opportunity to compete on a different bull - if they feel his first bull did not perform at the level of other bulls in the competition and, therefore, did not give him a fair chance to earn a high score. The reride bulls are selected prior to the event and kept with the other bulls that are in the draw should the need for a reride arise.

Rider Relief Fund [rahy-der ri-leef fuhnd]

Rider Relief Fund, established in 1999, provides financial aid to bull riders whose careers are put on hold by injury. Resistol contributed more than $1 million in seed money to start the non-profit fund that helps professional, college and high school bull riders and bullfighters who sustain injuries during competition. Money is raised via personal contributions and a variety of annual fund raisers including golf tournaments, silent auctions and a blackjack tournament.

Riding Hand [rahy-ding hand]

The hand a bull rider uses to grip his bull rope is called his "riding hand."

Right Hand Delivery [rahyt hand dih-liv-uh-ree]

When the chute gate opens on the right side (to the bull rider's right).

Ring of Honor [ring uhv on-er]

The PBR Ring of Honor, similar to many sports' hall-of-fame honors, is reserved for select bull riders whose contributions to the sport of bull riding last beyond their success in the competitive arena. The award, symbolized by a custom-made, gold-and-diamond ring engraved with the honoree's name and the PBR logo, is bestowed upon its recipients each year during a ceremony at the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast World Finals.

Rookie of the Year [roo'k-ee uhv th'uh yeer]

The PBR Rookie of the Year award goes to the bull rider who, in his first year of PBR competition, earns more points than any other first-year competitor. From 2003-12, the award was presented to the bull rider whoearned the most money during his first PBR season.

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Second Round or "Second Go" [sek-uh'nd round / sek-uh'nd goh]

The second round or "go" is the second preliminary round of competition at a PBR event. A high score in the second round is important to a bull rider because it counts toward his qualification for the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast Championship Round.

Seeded [see-did]

A rider is seeded if he is ranked among the top 45 bull riders.

Short Round or "Short Go" [shawrt round / shawrt goh]

The "short go" or "short go round" is a slang term for the 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast Championship Round. (see also 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast Championship Round)

Slap [slap]

If a rider slaps a bull with his free hand during a ride, he is disqualified and, therefore, does not receive a score.

Spinner [spin-er]

A bull that displays a bucking pattern in which he spins in a tight circle throughout the ride is often referred to by bull riders as a "spinner."

Spurs [spurz]

Bull riders wear spurs that are required to have dull, loosely locked rowels (the wheel-like part of the spur that comes in contact with the animal). The spurs help a rider maintain his balance by giving him added grip with his feet. The spurs do not cut or scratch a bull's hide, which is seven times thicker than a human's skin.

Stock Contractor [stok kon-trak-ter]

PBR Livestock Director Cody Lambert works with numerous stock contractors - the people who own and lease bulls to the PBR - to ensure that the pool of bulls used at each event are the highest caliber possible. Most 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast events feature an estimated 80 to 90 bulls that are supplied by as many as ten, oftentimes more, different PBR stock contractors, depending upon the location and duration of the event.

Stock Contractor of the Year [stok kon-trak-ter uhv th'uh yeer]

Upon conclusion of each PBR season, the PBR Stock Contractor of the Year award is presented to the stock contractor who, based on a vote of PBR bull riders, has consistently supplied the highest quality bucking bulls at PBR events.

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Turn Back [turn bak]

The term "turn back" is used to describe a bull that displays a bucking pattern in which he heads in one direction and then makes a sharp move in the opposite direction.

Turn Out [turn out]

A bull rider who enters a competition and then decides to forfeit his entry fees and not compete for reasons other than injury has "turned out" of the competition. If injury forces a bull rider to opt out of competition, the bull rider doctor releases from competition and is not required to forfeit his entry fee. 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast riders are not allowed to turn out of competition or they will face strict fines. This rule ensures that the world's best bull riders are featured at every 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast event.

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Vest / Protective Vest [vest / pruh-tek-tiv vest]

Invented by former PBR rider Cody Lambert, the vest is designed to prevent injury when a rider gets stomped on or gored by a bull. The vest is made of a material called Kevlar, the same material used to make bulletproof vests. A rider's vest helps protect bones and internal organs that are otherwise vulnerable to injury if crushed by a 2,000-pound bull.

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